Navigating Financial Planning After a Settlement: A Comprehensive Guide for Long-Term Health Cost Considerations
Tuesday, September 13th, 2022

Are you uncertain about navigating your financial future after receiving a lawsuit settlement? At Navalign Wealth Partners, we understand the complexities involved. As a fiduciary firm, we are committed to providing unbiased advice in your best interest. In this comprehensive guide, we explore essential strategies for financial planning after a lawsuit settlement, focusing on addressing long-term health cost considerations.

Seek Fiduciary Financial Advice

When managing your financial settlement, it’s crucial to work with a fiduciary financial advisor who upholds the highest standard of care. As a fiduciary, Navalign Wealth Partners is dedicated to acting solely in your best interests. Our experienced team provides personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your goals and long-term health cost considerations remain prioritized. We work closely with you to develop a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with your unique circumstances.

Establish an Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund should be a top priority after receiving a lawsuit settlement. At Navalign, we recognize the importance of having a safety net for unexpected expenses related to ongoing healthcare needs or other unforeseen circumstances. We help you allocate a portion of your settlement toward creating an emergency fund, providing financial security and peace of mind to navigate future challenges with confidence.

Plan for Long-Term Health Costs

One key consideration after receiving a lawsuit settlement is planning for long-term health costs. Our fiduciary advisors at Navalign guide you through this process, taking into account potential expenses associated with ongoing treatments, medications, rehabilitation, or necessary medical equipment. We collaborate with you to develop a realistic budget that addresses your specific health cost considerations while ensuring your financial goals are met. By incorporating these expenses into your financial plan, you proactively manage and prepare for the future.

Investment Planning

At Navalign, we understand the importance of balancing long-term growth with short-term liquidity. Our fiduciary advisors design an investment strategy aligned with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and long-term health cost considerations. We offer a diverse range of investment options, including well-diversified portfolios, aiming to preserve capital while providing the flexibility to meet your liquidity needs. By carefully selecting investments, we help you grow your settlement funds over the long term while ensuring access to necessary funds when required.

Balancing Long-Term Investments with Short-Term Liquidity

While long-term investments are important for growing and preserving your settlement funds, having access to short-term liquidity is equally important for immediate and ongoing needs. Work with your financial advisor to create a well-rounded investment strategy that balances long-term growth potential with the ability to access funds when required. This may involve a combination of long-term investment vehicles, such as diversified portfolios, along with more liquid assets like cash reserves or short-term bonds.

Avoid Locking Up Funds Unsuitably

Exercise caution and avoid making hasty decisions that tie up your funds in unsuitable products like annuities or insurance contracts. Although these vehicles have merits in certain situations, they may not align with your specific needs and long-term health cost considerations. Your fiduciary financial advisor helps assess the suitability of different investment options, guiding you towards choices aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.

Estate Planning and Asset Protection

Proper estate planning and asset protection are critical for managing a lawsuit settlement. Our fiduciary advisors at Navalign guide you through updating or establishing an estate plan to document your wishes and protect your assets. We help create legal documents such as wills, trusts, and powers of attorney tailored to your unique situation. By considering tax implications, beneficiary designations, and other crucial factors, we develop a comprehensive estate plan that preserves your wealth and provides for your loved ones.

Patience and Prudent Decision-Making

Managing a lawsuit settlement award requires patience and prudent decision-making. Take your time, understand the implications of each financial decision, and consult with your financial advisor before making major moves. Avoid succumbing to hasty investment opportunities or external pressure. Your financial advisor evaluates investment options, assesses risks, and helps you make informed decisions aligned with your long-term financial well-being.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments

Financial planning is an ongoing process requiring regular monitoring and adjustments. Schedule meetings with your financial advisor to review your investment portfolio, reassess your financial goals, and make necessary adjustments. Stay informed about changes in healthcare regulations or insurance policies that may impact your long-term health cost planning.

Navigating financial planning after a lawsuit settlement requires expertise and a fiduciary approach. At Navalign Wealth Partners, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive wealth management and financial planning services that prioritize your best interests. Our experienced team of fiduciary advisors works closely with you to develop a personalized plan addressing your long-term health cost considerations and securing your financial future.